Director: Kim Kwang-sik
Year: 2018
Country: South Korea
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Action/Epic
Stationed along the Korean border, a soldier is chosen to put his courage to the test with a special plot by his commander to assassinate the rogue commander stationed at the Ansi fortress. Upon arriving and infiltrating the society of those under his command, he puts his quest on hold to help deal with the threat to the fortress by a ruthless Tang soldier determined to overtake the fortress and kill all those there. The longer he puts off his mission to defend the fortress with the rest of the soldiers, the more he finds himself forced to put his loyalty to his country aside to make sure that all who are left within the fortress can survive the ordeal.
When looked at within a historical action film context, this one has a to like. This is in large part due to the massive-scale ground battles liberally peppered throughout the film that provide a jaw-dropping scale full of large-scale combat techniques that showcase the horse-drawn fighters, archers, walled buttresses, and ground-based troops being utilized. With these forces utilizing all manner of swords and broad pole weaponry in battle, the carnage on display brings about the kind of brutality usually associated with this kind of combat as the soldiers get decapitated, their limbs ripped off, their stomachs or chest sliced open and most impressively dragged along the ground until being speared by a comrade going the opposite direction. It's a rather impressive tactic and contributes greatly to the action within here as the numerous battles provide even more to enjoy.
What makes this action so prevalent is the story that provides plenty of opportunity to engage in combat. The opening assault sets the stage perfectly for the later conflicts to emerge, including the spectacular first attack on the fortress which utilizes trebuchets, archers, and other forms of long-range and close-quarter combat tactics for an epic showdown. Again bringing about plenty of carnage and brutality alongside some fine destructive moments, this offers up massively entertaining spectacle-filled scenes. A later night-time raid on the compound is unquestionably the highlight as this one offers some astoundingly beautiful images in the heat of battle fueled by the idea of lighting oil aflame to light the enemies on fire amidst the bloodsoaked fighting. The finale, featuring the group going on the offensive to strike the invading horde when they least expect it gives this a striking and over-the-top battle scene, especially once the reinforcements come into play that's filled with the usual balletic combat and spectacular destruction scenes that really overwhelm and make this enjoyable.
There are a few problems with the film. The major obstacle to overcome is the excessive length which really does this no favors. There are several big reasons to stretch this out, namely the multitude of sideplots that aren't in the slightest pertinent to the main story. The early stages show the life of the soldiers at the compound which details their farming techniques out in the mountains, fortifying the structure or fighting amongst each other simply for the lamest reasons that get broken up by the officers and making them look like children as a result, so it ends up doing nothing but running up the running time accomplishing nothing. The details of the psychic that's held hostage at the compound contribute nothing since their purpose doesn't mean anything and there's too much time spent with his allegiances to their cause due to his background really doesn't need to be brought up several times throughout the film.
The other real problem is the inability to really expand on some of the storylines and subplots it sets up, despite the time to do so. A large part of the film is built on the mission to assassinate the rogue leader yet nearly as soon as it's introduced this completely forgets that subplot until the end of the film to determine another cliche and readily guessed setup that can be seen coming as soon as it's brought up. Likewise, the inability to give us anything about the various personnel within the fortress beyond two or three that are actually named seems to hamper getting the chance to know a few potentially intriguing characters. The psychic is completely glossed over for large portions of time and just gets written out rather simply, the couple given a sentimental send-off after their deaths are never given a chance to know who they are to have that kind of treatment given to them, and the multitude of characters here get lost in the conflagration of battle. This might not all be that important to those looking mainly for action but does become a part of the film overall.
Overview: ****/5
In the end, this one is a slightly overlong but still wholly enjoyable Historical Action epic that manages enough spectacle to be rather entertaining. Give this one a chance if you're a fan of these brands of films or looking for a different entry in the genre, while only those who are not interested in the genre should heed caution.
This review was originally published on Asian Movie Pulse and is gratefully reprinted with their cooperation.
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