Golden Job (2018) by Chin Ka Lok

Director: Chin Ka Lok
Year: 2018
Country: Hong Kong
Alternate Titles: Huang jin xiong di
Genre: Action

Pulling off a successful mission, a group of childhood friends decides to go their separate ways when they're called back together again. Believing they're stealing a shipment of medical supplies to deliver to a refugee camp, the group is shocked to discover the target is actually gold bars intended to be used to fund political coups in third-world countries. Realizing that they've been duped and double-crossed by one of their own, they soon are faced with the deadly decision that their band of brotherhood has to be put to rest to fully be safe from their once-friendly rivalry, the group puts their skills to the test as they set out to right the wrongs and put an end to things once and for all.


For the most part, this one offers up plenty to like about it. As is most important in heist films, the central crew has to come off as the kind of competent professionals who can pull off dangerous stunts and missions due to their chemistry together. It needs to be plainly obvious that they've been around each other long enough to build trust for the timing to pull off the various plans needed to accomplish their mission. This is especially true of the beginning where the elaborate, complicated plan to pull off the heist at the symposium is a perfect example which moves through a complicated plot as they try to get out using their skill set. Their later efforts during the heist on the streets of Budapest to secure the transport vehicle are absolutely ingenious and manage to score incredibly well showing how it was pulled off which shows off their ingenuity, planning, and timing even more which makes for a fun time being around professionals in that manner.

On top of the heist work, the film also scores on the regular action front. There are several explosive car chases that manages to mix together the traditional banging and smashing of metal with some rather creative stunt pieces. Showing cars somersaulting in the air on fire or utilizing obscure parts of rubble and debris as ramps to catapult themselves around immovable objects, the scenes in the chase in Budapest provide a thrilling experience when buoyed by the multitude of shootouts throughout here. From a dynamic encounter in a trainyard after recovering the gold to the escape from the car show featuring both shootouts and insane stuntwork, the action in the film is incredibly fun and sets up the furious finale which is the assault on the seaside compound. Packed with plenty of frenetic action and flying bullets which features the cathartic response and the visual excitement required for such a scene.

Moreover, there's a rather strong and prominent theme of brotherhood and loyalty running in the film. This one goes for a layered approach to the story that builds on the theme of group unity and brotherhood that requires plenty of emotional connections between the group. We're shown their brotherhood from the very beginning with the group as kids fighting as one and rallying around each other, carrying out decisions as a group, and taking advantage of their bond is all fully in league with their group dynamic. There's enough shown here early on that sets up the middle section where we're dropped into the double-crossing and eventual charge into the mission to stop him that puts that in jeopardy which is exceptionally well-written at changing that mindset. With his statement about the team being about brotherhood but only when it's to his detriment and putting everything on its head when they now have to fight one of their own who's out for their own interests, there's a rather enjoyable storyline utilized here about the importance of friendship and brotherhood.

However, there are some flaws within this one. The biggest issue here is a rather disjointed pacing in the middle section where this goes into several tangents that don't offer any kind of excitement or enjoyment at all. This is all about the sluggish pace-destroying scenes in the Japanese village that just slow this one down considerably with rather bland dealings about the group recapturing their bond after the incarceration or learning how to make the sake with the rest of the villagers. The scenes are generally boring and just interrupt the pace of escaping from the group seeking them for the stolen gold with the group getting cozy with each other or engaging in the preparations for the drinks which drags this down considerably. Likewise, the other problem is some shoddy and obvious CGI used that's not all that impressive, mostly for the crash sequences in the car chases that attempt to add a spectacle to the sequence but just look too fake in their execution. Otherwise, there aren't too many issues with the film.

Overview: ****/5
While featuring a few minor flaws and having a lot of rather exciting positives, this one manages to sustain itself really nicely and has more to offer than just a reunion of a beloved cast. Give this a look if you're a fan of the group from their past works or looking for a nice modern action with some flair, while those that look for more complete fare should heed minor caution.

This review was originally published on Asian Movie Pulse and is gratefully reprinted with their cooperation.
