Jade (2025) by James Bamford

Director: James Bamford
Year: 2025
Country: USA
Alternate Titles: N/A
Genre: Action

While looking for her missing brother, a woman gets under the skin of a gang of thugs looking for a hard drive of information that hides information related to Interpol's activities. When her skillset allows her to escape the situation, she goes on the run with a friend of hers to help protect her and keep the drive out of their hands resulting in a vicious battle across the city to accomplish her mission.


This was a generally solid overall effort even though it does have some issues. The general air of enjoyment found here is in the series of somewhat strong and exciting action scenes featured throughout here which keep this one going along at a solid clip. The majority of these scenes are fast-paced, lightning-quick hand-to-hand fight scenes that are designed to showcase her skills as a performer which is successful on numerous fronts. With the self-defense skills are put to good use as she battles the thugs in numerous locations from their underground hideout, a parking garage, or the frantic assault on the thug leaders’ house that also manages to bring about a slew of brutal fights that are given far more impact with their tight filming and inventive choreography. They look good and thrilling, often accompanied by the occasional weapon drawn into the mix in some decent gunplay into this kind of action that makes for a solid enough time.

Outside of the action is where the film stumbles somewhat as that’s where its problems come from. The story is immensely simplistic and doesn’t have any kind of depth at all, with very little information about the girl coming over to the States to get stuck in the same situation if she wanted to get away from that lifestyle, what purpose the whole drive smuggling is supposed to involve, or why the agent is in charge of tracking her down to reclaim it when they’re both fighting off the thugs. It serves more as a means of getting the film to the next action scene necessary to move that along but it never does anything with the story to help enhance that aspect beyond just getting the film moving. As well, even though there’s some fun action here not all of it is enjoyable with the propensity for shaky-camera shooting to render a lot of it hard to tell what’s happening, and overall these factors are what brings this one down.

Overview: ***/5
A generally solid Action film as long as you don’t think too much about it, this works better as a showcase vehicle than anything else as the other factors holding it down stem from areas not related to its action. Those with an appreciation for this style in their genre fare or are curious about it will have a lot to like while those turned off by its features should heed caution.
